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Women Energize Women conference 2023

Participants, during the Conference, Munich

The Women Energize Women conference gathers women and provide a stage for 39 renewables experts from 18 countries that are exclusively women, to spotlight their important role in the energy transition, it allows women and allies of a social just energy transition to connect with each other through interactive networking sessions, gain more visibility on international fora and shape the discussion on the energy transition themselves.

This year the conference featured three panels that discussed insightful and important topics, such as “Financing the Energy Transition - Current Trends in Energy Investment”, “Political Frameworks for more Investment - How to Accelerate the Energy Transition”? and “Investing in the Global Energy Transition - Education, Training, Participation”, in which  a graduate from the German Energy Academy in Jordan (Eng. Dana Ibrahim) participated in which allowed her to  share her value experience as an intern in  the German Energy Academy in Jordan and talk about the challenges that face women in the energy sector market.

The conference also featured two workshops: the Finance and Female Entrepreneurship workshop and the Building Your Brand workshop.

Overall, the conference provided a platform for knowledge sharing, discussion, and empowerment, addressing critical issues in the energy sector and offering valuable resources for individuals looking to contribute to the energy transition.

The women energize women conference is a communication initiative of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) and is implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für International Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) and the German Renewable Energy Federation (BEE) within the scope of BMWK’s global project Bilateral Climate and Energy Partnerships and Dialogues, which was launched in November 2021 – to empower, motivate, inform, inspire and connect women in the energy sector from across the world offering interactive events and inspiring role, making female voices in the energy sector heard.