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Second Energy Balances Workshop: Preparing comprehensive energy statistics for Jordan

During the three-day workshop, senior energy expert Dr Matthis Brinkhaus presented internationally recognized tools and standards for creating energy balances and discussed how such measures could be applied for Jordan’s energy system to create an inclusive energy balance sheet.

Experts from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources and the Department of Statistics learned about the Eurostat energy balance builder tool, which is used to compile databases for all the energy flows of the European Union.

A broad list of commodities in Jordan was displayed and compared using the same energy unit, to help the participants observe the contributions of these different energy sources and study their relations with each other.

Participants were shown examples of energy flow charts prepared for Germany as part of its energy statistics. The experts recommended adapting Germany’s energy balance sheet to Jordan by simplifying it and including energy sources more specific to Jordan, such as shale oil and uranium.

For further information:

Energy balances - Energy - Eurostat (

Understanding and using the Energy Balance – Analysis - IEA

Energy Brainpool - Analysis and consulting for the energy markets