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High-level discussion on 'Simplifying Education and Work'

Participants in the round table high-level discussion

H.E. Minister Dr. Robert Habeck, who led the opening session addressed various important topics, including the challenges of unwelcoming gestures towards newcomers and the bureaucratic hurdles that need to be overcome. The ministry's proactive approach and future plans in this regard were truly inspiring. H.E. quotes:” The German government is committed to supporting education, training, and lifelong learning to provide better opportunities for our youth and a skilled workforce for the future” and “We recognize the importance of skilled foreign workers in filling labor shortages. The Skilled Workers Immigration Law is a step towards facilitating their integration and strengthening German businesses.”

During this event, esteemed GEA Internship Program Manager together with one of GEA trainees had the honour of sharing invaluable insights and experiences in setting up and running the internship program of the German Energy Academy in Jordan. In addition, Prof Alaaldeen Alhalhouli, president of the German Jordanian University, one of GEA establishing partners, was able to elaborate more on GEA activities and its next steps. It was a remarkable opportunity to contribute to the dialogue and shape the future of talent acquisition and integration in Germany.

Germany is actively taking steps to attract and embrace professionals from around the world, focusing not only on their arrival but also on ensuring a smooth, efficient transition and a welcoming experience. The discussions during the event revolved around measures and preparations that can be taken in home countries, during the transition phase, and upon arrival in Germany. The ideas presented were abundant and diverse, reflecting a shared commitment to creating a more inclusive and supportive environment for international talents.

Link to H.E. Dr. Robert Habeck post & Quotes: