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First Jordanian-German Energy Business Council

Participants of the Business Council.

On April 15 2021, the Jordanian-German Energy Partnership hosted the first Jordanian-German Energy Business Council. The virtual event was inaugurated H.E. Bernhard Kampmann, Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany in Jordan, and Eng. Shorouq AbdelGhani from the Jordanian Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources. The objective of the Jordanian-German Energy Business Council is to bring together Jordanian and German representatives from the energy industry and government to discuss business and investment conditions in the Jordanian energy sector. This dialogue and cooperation are to jointly bring forward a sustainable, reliable, and affordable supply of energy in Jordan.  

In this first session, participants aimed at supporting policy dialogue by assessing the general conditions – both challenges and opportunities – for local and international businesses in  Jordan’s energy sector. Businesses were  furthermore asked to voice their expectations regarding the Jordanian-German Energy Partnership, giving valuable insights on how to support companies and institutions in both partner countries.  Ideas and concerns shared during the session could help the Energy Partnership to plan its activities for the upcoming years, to work on them in the future, or to use these issues as a basis for further discussions. In the framework of an online round table event participating organizations and companies presented their business activities and products, mapping the main challenges and opportunities of the Jordanian Energy sector. The Energy Business Council was organised in co-operation with the German-Arab Chamber of Industry and Commerce and is the first of an event series.