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Energy efficiency measures of the third NEEAP

Jordan is in the process of developing its third National Energy Efficiency Action Plan (NEEAP) for the coming years, with the goal of significantly improving energy efficiency across all economic sectors and increasing productivity. This process is supported by the Jordanian-German Energy Partnership, in collaboration with the German Energy Agency (dena). Partners and stakeholders discussed in a series of workshops, that was held in July, the third NEEAP measures development. The workshops were moderated by energy experts from the German Energy Agency (dena), and experts in the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (MEMR). The workshop was three days long each with different sector. Related chosen energy efficiency measures were explained by MEMR staff to the participants from different institution. Attendees were distributed into groups; each group took two to three measures to discuss it and see who will be responsible about implementing it. Afterword, groups choose representatives to share the outcomes in front of other groups to gain their feedback. The sessions concluded with an open discussion among partners, stakeholders and decision makers determining suitable approaches for the implementation of the measures and proposing adequate methods for data collection and monitoring.