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A fulfilling gathering for the Jordanian mentees on a special occasion

The participants of the gathering celebrating the theme of this year's International Women's Day, breaking the bias

The event was opened by the Secretary-General of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, H.E. Eng. Amani Al-Azzam, Elisabeth Girrbach, Country Director of GIZ Jordan, and Ellen von Zitzewitz, Deputy Director of International Energy Policy for the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action, who reminded the mentees that supporting each other is vital to breaking the biases that still hinder too many women in Jordan and globally. The Secretary-General stressed the increasing share of women in the ministry. Christine Lens, Executive Director of the Global Women's Network for the Energy Transition, asked for the feedback of the mentees regarding the last knowledge transfer module and announced the content for the upcoming one. 

A session was dedicated to enable the mentees to express themselves and share their career experiences and aspirations with each other, and another session gave each of the mentees the opportunity to provide their feedback on the mentoring programme. 

The event was concluded with an introduction to the newly founded NGO “Together for Energy and Climate Society” by co-founder Layan Watheq. 

We help women share their experiences and boost their careers through dedicated capacity building with our online mentoring programme “Energizing Women to Advance the Energy Transition” and we are currently in the process of preparing a comprehensive gender strategy for the Jordanian energy sector. 

Futher informaion on the mentoring programme found in : Energising Women to Advance the Energy Transition – GWNET (