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Facts & Figures

Per Capita Electricity Consumption

The per capita electricity consumption speaks of the individual contributions to a country’s energy needs. In both countries the access to electricity is 100%. Germany has the 6th highest electricity consumption in the world, while Jordan ranks 74th. This illustrates how much more electricity is consumed at a personal level in Germany in comparison to Jordan.

1746.00 Wh
Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
5774.00 kWh
Federal Republic of Germany


Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan: Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (2020)

Hours of Sunlight

Solar power is one of the most important renewable energy sources. How much exposure a country experiences tells us how much potential there is to engage in energy production through photovoltaics. In Jordan the total capcity of photovolaics is 1831 MW , equalling 75% of the operating renewable energy projects (2023). In Germany the total capacity is at 82.200 MW are generated through photovoltaics, equalling only 49% of the operating renewable energy projects (2023).

3110.00 Average hours of sunlight per year (Amman)
Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
1588.00 Average hours of sunlight per year (Berlin)
Federal Republic of Germany


UN Data, World Meteorological Organization
Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan: Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (2020)
Federal Republic of Germany: Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy (2020) 
      Federal Republic of Germany: Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy (2024)

Share of Renewable Energy

The current share of renewable energies in the energy mix tells us how far along a country is already with the energy transition. In Germany, renewable sources contributed 51,8% share of electricity generation. In Jordan, renewable sources contributed 29% share of electricity generation.

29.00 % of the contribution of renewable energy to electricity generation
Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
51.80 % of the contribution of renewable energy to electricity generation
Federal Republic of Germany


     Germany Trade and Invest (2023)
     Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz (2024)


Both countries play crucial roles in their respective regions. Not least due to its geographic location, Jordan functions as a hub for the Maghreb and Mashreq regions. Germany, located in the very heart of Europe, is the most populous country in the European Union.

11.00 million
83.00 million


Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan: Department of Statistics (2020)

Federal Republic of Germany: Federal Statistical Office (2021)